Fresh, refrigerated & frozen

Frozen, fresh and refrigerated foods are defined as food products that are preserved under low temperature and used over a long period of time or they can be fresh, straight from the farm and consumed on the spot. The product market comprises various food products, including ready meals, vegetables & fruits, potatoes, meat & poultry, seafood, and soup


Market and industry of the products

Frozen, fresh and refrigerated food market has never seemed brighter. The frozen food market size was valued at $ 291.8 billion in 2019, and is estimated to reach $ 404.8 billion by 2027, registering a CAGR of 4.2% from 2020 to 2027Consumers are these days cooking more and more at home due to the growing awareness of health and wellness and that has reflected on the fresh and frozen foods.
Consumers are resorting to cooking fresh meals at home which are free from any preservatives and for this, fresh and frozen foods are required. These food products come in a lot of extensive categories that can cater to all sorts of consumers. Dairy-free, vegan, gluten-free, low fat, sugar-free and many more can be found in this category. Because of this consumer shift and high demand for convenient yet healthy and delicious food, the frozen, fresh and refrigerated market is showing a lot of potential for private label brands.

Products variety and usage

Recent trends in technology have introduced cryogenic freezing which prevents addition of any artificial preservatives while managing to preserve and maintain all nutritious value in foods. This means that the frozen foods are on the rise in popularity with recent consumers because not only can they get fast and convenient foods or meals but they can also be rest assured that the food they are buying is safe and healthy for consumption. Fresh, frozen and refrigerated food category is extremely vast and expansive including ready meals, vegetables & fruits, potatoes, meat & poultry, seafood, and soup.
Frozen ready meals further include packaged ready-to-eat foods, bakery, snacks, and desserts. Most foods can be refrigerated and safely stored such as meats, dairy products, juices and even seafood. The variety in these products is a perfect opportunity to create your own brand with the private label manufacturers and compete with the established national brands on the market.

Private label services

Organic produce is increasing in consumer demand and therefore in production as well, consumers are constantly on the lookout for fresh vegetables, seafood and fruits that do not have a short shelf life and with your private label brand you can offer them just that. Convenient, healthy and delicious products that are also affordable. By partnering up with a private label manufacturer you can have access to premade items and products from which you can simply choose and have your brand labeled on, or you can create a new recipe and product with your private label company and give something new to the consumers. Quality of the product is number one priority and you have access and can oversee the whole production process.

Your private label manufacturer helps you get in touch with the latest consumer trends which will help your brand stand on top of the market. Private label companies also provide support, products, distribution and innovative packaging which will ultimately attract customers and create a bond with your brand.

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