Garden & handwork

More and more customers are becoming concerned about environmental issues and are looking for brands that offer sustainable products made from recycled materials. In a world where ethic labor, health and climate are a daily conversation topic, this is the chance to capitalize on expanding this sustainable and ecological market.


Private label garden and handwork products

Private label garden and handwork production is a lucrative business opportunity since the global growth of the home and garden industry is slow but steady, estimated at a CAGR of 2%. The US market is currently valued at $ 272 billion and it is predicted to remain on an upward trajectory. Contracting a third-party private label company to manufacture garden and handwork products, you can either make up your own design and offer something new to the customers, or brand already developed products from assortment of private label manufacturing company. There are many modifications to be made and manufacturing companies offer variety of products for private labeling.

Sustainability with private label

More and more customers are becoming concerned about environmental issues and are looking for brands that offer sustainable products made from recycled materials. In a world where ethic labor, health and climate are a daily conversation topic, this is the chance to capitalize on expanding this sustainable and ecological market. The opportunity is emerging for new entrepreneurs to express their uniqueness with innovative private label gardening and handwork products. Sustainability challenge is highly dynamic and almost every industry is slowly shifting towards ecological and ethical production. Inspiring people to grow their own organic fruits and vegetables is great marketing move towards selling more of your private label gardening products.

Opt for private label

Rapidly growing trends with retailers is to use private labels to build trust with their customers and increase general profitability. It is utterly important to develop loyalty among consumers, and to do that the retailer has to have complete control over the production. Contracting private label manufacturing company, everything about the product is custom made and tailored for customers needs, from its material, packaging, appearance and color of the label, and the manufacturing company takes care of production and distribute the products with a private label. Thus, they can control the profitability of product sales, as they are able to respond to the needs of consumers on time, as well as to consumer complaints. What we offer you if you register on our website, is the ability for quick and easy access to our search engine which includes a wide range of offers and ideas for production, research, logistics, packaging and advertising. You will surely find what you need to make your wishes and ideas come true.

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